Elevate your well-being!

Perfect for the outside of your home!
Look at this result!

Raised Floor | DURUM - CERAMIC

See this great work that was done in Barcelona!

Make your outdoor area a special place to relax!

It changes the way you work and changes the work spaces.

A solution that privileges your well-being!

Colours fill the spaces of life!

The product of choice for the raised floor market!

Realised projects - 2018

Why is DEX Deck perfect for outdoor use?

Realised projects - 2019

Perfect balance of quality, performance and aesthetics.

Durum allows you to install a multitude of technical infrastructures


Harmonious combination between the aesthetics of wood and the durability of ceramics!

Raised flooring | Nogueira

Time to relax!

Raised flooring | Easy Dex